
Author: Active Voice Editor


Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2019 edition of Active Voice!  We hope you enjoy this issue, which celebrates Editors Canada’s 40th anniversary: Meet some seasoned editors (and an up-and-coming one): Lee d’Anjou, Rosemary Tanner, Elizabeth d’Anjou, Michelle Shaw and Letitia Henville Go down memory lane with Editors Canada Explore how audio description Read more…


Bienvenue dans ce numéro de printemps/été 2019 de Voix active!  Nous espérons vivement que ce numéro, qui célèbre le 40e anniversaire de Réviseurs Canada, vous plaira. Il vous offre de : Rencontrer des réviseures chevronnées (et une réviseure prometteuse) : Lee d’Anjou, Rosemary Tanner, Elizabeth d’Anjou, Michelle Shaw et Letitia Henville Voyager dans le passé Read more…

The Editor Questionnaire: Meet Michelle Shaw

I was born and grew up in South Africa and I’ve been a journalist for most of my life. Since moving to Canada nine years ago, I’ve been involved in a number of different freelance writing and editing projects. I’m currently completing the Editing Certificate program through Simon Fraser University. Read more…

Readers’ Travel Tips

I was thrilled when I got approval to extend my vacation overseas. I diligently checked with my AirBnB that I would have a stable Internet connection that could handle downloading images and Skype calls. I brought my laptop and confirmed the night before that everything would connect properly. But I Read more…