This is a very brief summary of a conference presentation I gave at the 2018 Editors Canada conference in Saskatoon. The challenge most in-house editors face is that by the time documents get to them, their ability to influence is limited. If a project has structural flaws, there’s rarely sufficient Read more…
The moment he stepped through the portal, Eric realized he must have punched in the wrong code. He whirled around, reaching for the keypad to try again, but there was no keypad, and no portal. He was standing on the shore of a lake, nothing in front of him except Read more…
Sitôt qu’il eût traversé le portail, Éric sut qu’il avait entré le mauvais code. Se retournant, il tendit la main vers le pavé, pour recommencer, mais le dispositif numérique avait disparu et le portail avec lui. Voilà qu’il se tenait sur la rive d’un lac, n’ayant rien d’autre devant lui qu’une Read more…
Click the image below to download a printable PDF of the blank puzzle. The solution will be posted here on July 2, 2019. Send your completed puzzle to by June 30, 2019, to be entered in a draw for a fun prize!
As we had planned, Rosemary Tanner and I had lunch together in Floradale, a small village west of Elmira, Ontario, at Bonnie Lou’s Café in what was once Ruggle’s General Store and Post Office (1883). It’s a quaint place that kept the existing shelving and old tables—our table was the Read more…
Five or six of us sat around a table in some seedy downtown Ottawa hotel in late 1985 or ’86. It was my first time at a FEAC [Freelance Editors’ Association of Canada] meeting. I had recently started freelancing after five years as in‑house editor, typesetter, layout person, telephone answerer, Read more…
Elizabeth d’Anjou wasn’t sure what she wanted to be when she grew up, but one thing was certain: she didn’t want to be a freelance editor. As her profile in the Editors Canada Online Directory of Editors says, “Who wants to go into the same profession as their mom?” Elizabeth’s Read more…
I was born and grew up in South Africa and I’ve been a journalist for most of my life. Since moving to Canada nine years ago, I’ve been involved in a number of different freelance writing and editing projects. I’m currently completing the Editing Certificate program through Simon Fraser University. Read more…
To mark Editors Canada’s 40th anniversary celebrations, an interview with a representative from the up-and-coming editing professionals seemed in order. I had the great pleasure of chatting with Vancouver-based Letitia Henville about her perspectives on editing-related subjects. She had just moved, so internet connection was not guaranteed leading up to Read more…
Réflexions d’une rédactrice installée depuis quelques années à Halifax, ville où se tient le congrès de Réviseurs Canada en 2019 En tant que citoyenne de l’Ontario ayant grandi à Ottawa et vécu à Toronto pendant 14 ans, la côte Est ne faisait pas du tout partie de mes plans. Mais Read more…
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