On the Road Again: An Interview with Rachel Stuckey

Rachel Stuckey's workspace at Punspace Wiang Kaew co-working space, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 2018

AV caught up with editor and world traveller Rachel Stuckey, aka the Nomadic Editor, in Thailand recently for a quick interview. Rachel’s path to editing on the move is fun and inspiring—and may get you thinking about how you can work while travelling (or travel while working), even for short Read more…

Se promener à Saskatoon

River Landing (Crédit photo : Tourism Saskatoon/CONCEPTS Photography & Design)

Saskatoon est caractérisée par la rivière Saskatchewan Sud qui la traverse. Cette rivière est un point de rendez-vous pour les citadins et la faune. Un chemin de passage pour les animaux et un terrain de jeux pour les gens, c’est la meilleure façon d’explorer la ville hôte du congrès annuel Read more…

Taking a Stroll in Saskatoon: A River Runs through it

River Landing (Credit: Tourism Saskatoon/CONCEPTS Photography & Design)

Saskatoon—a city defined by the river that flows through it. The river allows the urban to mix with the wild. It’s a conduit for animals, a playground for people, and the best way to explore the city that will host this year’s Editors Canada conference (May 25 to 27). Much Read more…

Packing for the Long Haul: Inside an Editor’s Suitcase

In December, I packed my Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) in a box that won’t be opened for at least twelve months. Sounds blasphemous, doesn’t it? Don’t worry—it’s in good company, alongside my beloved Canadian Oxford Dictionary. Unfortunately, they take up too much space in my luggage, which holds everything Read more…

Voyager pour enrichir sa langue

Les voyages forment la jeunesse. Ce proverbe, basé sur une idéologie très en vogue au XVIIIe siècle, illustre bien la curiosité langagière dont fait preuve le réviseur lorsqu’il découvre un nouvel endroit. La langue devient ainsi un connecteur direct entre le réviseur et la culture étrangère. Les voyages permettent au Read more…

German Lessons with Mrs. Cheese

At the feisty age of sixteen, I was given an opportunity to study in Switzerland. My intention was to improve my French skills, but after committing, I found out that the only exchange spot was in Bern, the country’s German-speaking capital. My teenage determination told me I could learn the Read more…

Editing for an International Audience

When I was an editorial assistant, my first mentor suggested that editors have the difficult job of preserving the author’s voice, while improving the quality of the text to get it into the shape and format required for submission. And this is to be done without upsetting the author—many authors Read more…

La révision comparative : une étape essentielle

Est-ce que vous ou votre entreprise produisez des documents dans les deux langues officielles du Canada? Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que les deux versions de ces documents présentent la même information tout en respectant le style et les conventions de chaque langue? En faisant faire une révision comparative. Comparer pour Read more…

Book Review: “Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from around the World”

Cover of "Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from around the World" (Chronicle Books, 2016)

Yee-Lum Mak, Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from around the World (Chronicle Books, 2016). Jungian analyst Robert Johnson’s oft-quoted words from his book The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden have stayed with me: “Sanskrit has 96 words for love, ancient Persian has 80, Greek three, and English only Read more…

SFU Master of Publishing: A Changing Program for a Changing Industry

The Master of Publishing program was ground breaking when it launched in 1995 at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Using recommendations by an industry advisory board, the University worked hard to create “ready-to-go” employees who would respond to the needs of the publishing industry long before anyone had dreamed of Read more…