
Welcome to the Winter 2018 edition of Active Voice! In our 2017 reader survey, many members asked for more issues per year of the national magazine, so in 2018 we will publish three issues: Winter (digital only), Spring (digital only) and Fall (print and digital).*

We hope you enjoy this travel-themed issue, which offers a window on how the worlds of editing and travel can overlap:

Thanks to all those who helped make this issue happen: our amazing contributors; translators Jonathan Paterson and Stéphanie Robitaille; copy editors Jennifer Rae Brown, Holly Munn, Sarah Newman, and Alethea Spiridon; proofreaders Kiki Yee, Karina Sinclair, Sarah Snobelen, and Vicki Gregory; managing editor Alethea Spiridon; WordPress wizard Aaron Dalton; Stacey Atkinson, director of communications, national executive council; and Michelle Ou, senior communications manager.

Enjoy the ride and the read!

* This approach allows the Editors’ Association of Canada (Editors Canada) to publish the national magazine more often while also keeping costs under control. We decided to try a blog style (rather than a laid-out version in pdf) so articles are easier to share on social media. Feel free to share them widely!

This issue is very much an experiment. Let us know what you think! Send your comments to activevoice@editors.ca. And if you’d like to help with the next issue, you’d be welcome!

Anne Louise Mahoney is an Ottawa-based freelance editor and the past president of Editors Canada.

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